American Isshinryu Photo Gallery
Have photos to contribute? Email them to us at: ai.trustees@gmail.com

2018 Day with the Masters
November 10, 2018
College of Saint Elizabeth
Morristown, NJ
Over 100 participants enjoyed presentations from five top masters:
Master Isham Latimer (Chi Ryu JuJitsu)
Master John Devine (Bo-Sai pattern drills)
Master Scott Hauge (Isshinryu/Uezu Yakusoku Kumite)
Master Marvin Carmona (Speed-Agility drills to improve kumite)
Master Richard Norris (Kumite combinations)

2017 Day with the Masters
November 12, 2017
Sheraton Hotel
Parsippany, NJ
Over 100 participants enjoyed presentations from five top masters:
Master John Ingram (Bunkai of Isshinryu)
Master Albert Mady (Fighting Concepts)
Master Cindy Ingram (Harold Mitchum Techniques)
Master Walt Van Gilson (Kusanku Secrets)
Master Scott Fawcett (Kumi Bo)

2016 Day with the Masters
November 13, 2016
Sheraton Hotel
Parsippany, NJ
Participants enjoyed presentations from six top masters:
Master Jesse Goldstein (Olympic Judo)
Master Ronnie Cimirosi (Kata based Kumite)
Master Marvin Carmona (Matayoshi No Nunchaku)
Richard Norris (Flow Kumite)
Master Angie Spencer (Fun Drills & Bunkai)
Master Reese Rigby (Bando: Short Stick)