About Us
Who are we?
Don Nagle was one of the first to bring Isshinryu to America, a traditional and very effective karate style recognized throughout the world. Our association is made up of Masters who studied directly with him and they can offer key insight into his teachings. We are dedicated to keeping his memory alive and the Isshinryu system up to his high standards.
Grand Master McGrath studied directly with Mr. Nagle for 43 years and upon his death bed, Mr. Nagle turned the reins of his organization over to Mr. McGrath. Who better suited to lead Isshinryu! Mr. McGrath has appointed Ernie Temple, 10th Dan-Soke-Dai, who along with two of Mr. Nagle’s best fighter’s, Ralph Passero & Brian Fitzgerald to put Mr. Nagle’s legacy to work by assembling some of the greatest Nagle black belts into one organization, AMERICAN ISSHINRYU, INC.
What are our goals?
We look to bring serious Isshinryu practitioners together without the politics that Mr. Nagle himself shunned. We look to provide assistance to any dojo that looks to grow its understanding of bunkai, kumite, weapons, self defense and better business procedures to keep those doors open during these difficult financial times. One major difference in our approach is that we do not look to interfere between you and your sensei. We do not look to become your sensei. That bond is a special dynamic that we respect and honor. We offer direction without prejudice, we offer focus by setting new standards. We welcome you to AMERICAN ISSHINRYU, INC.
ALL traditional Isshinryu practitioners of honor and merit are welcome!
Why American Isshinryu?
Our strength comes from not only where our Art was borne but where it now grows and resides, Washington, North Carolina, Tennessee, California, Pennsylvania, New York, Ohio, Texas, New Jersey, every state in the Union. American Isshinryu Inc. is a non profit corporation dedicated to preserving the Nagle legacy and more importantly, taking Isshinryu and growing it to the next level.
E-mail any questions or comments directly to AmericanIsshinryuinc@gmail.com
or contact us here:

The legend continues
American Isshinryu Inc. is a non profit corporation dedicated to preserving the Nagle legacy and more importantly, taking Isshinryu and growing it to the next level. Don Nagle was the first to bring Isshinryu to America, a traditional and very effective karate style recognized throughout the world. Our association is made up of Masters who studied directly with him and they can offer key insight into his teachings. We are dedicated to keeping his memory alive and the Isshinryu system up to his high standards
This organization unites all Isshinryu Dojos. We look to provide assistance to any dojo that looks to grow its understanding of bunkai, kumite, weapons, self defense and better business procedures to keep those doors open during these difficult financial times.