Master Don Nagle's Memorial Plaque
We unveiled Master Don Nagle's Memorial plaque at this years AOKA tournament on Master Tatsuo Shimabuku's birthday 9/19/15. The Nagle...
The Life and Legacy of Chojun Miyagi #isshinryukarate #karate
Isshinryu Symposium Board
Isshinryu Symposium Board Hosted by: Hanshi Bill Marcum Kyoshi Roxanne Marcum Kyoshi Heidi Gauntner Hello Senseis and Karateka, We are so...
Tribute to a Champion
#karate #isshinryukarate #Livinglegend #Hanshi #RalphPassaro #mma #martialarts #bayonne #newjersey
Hanshi McGrath Presents Master Ralph Passero The First Devil Dog
In choosing the first “Devil Dog,” I wanted to ensure that the individual would be made of “The Right Stuff,” the embodiment of the term...